
My professional success key

Professional success depends on so many things, but it depends most on the person who reaches’ it. Also a big factor for professional success is your knowledge and attitude.
Professional success comes from a complete dedication and a right attitude towards the job. To become a successful professional, you need to attain deep knowledge and practical experience related to your kind of job. Open your eyes and ears for the newest things happening related to your profession keep in mind that it’s never too late to learn and be open-minded. You should obtain as much information as you can to become an expert in your field and achieve professional success.
Also never let opportunities slip through your fingers you have to be active and optimistic. In the world of business there is a lot of competition so you have to be best. Do not fear to take risks then it is needed and know a time to stop before you lose everything. You have to be demanding of your co-workers, employees, and yourself.
But remember not to push yourself too hard, get enough sleep, know how to relax and leave your work related stress at work, and never bring it home to your family.

Types of companies
There are several types of companies, there is :

Limited Liability Company (LLC)


The most popular types of corporations used in the USA are the "C"- Corporation, "S" - Corporation and Non-profit Corporation.
C-Corporation is the most commonly used type of corporations suitable for businesses of any size. C-Corporations can have any number of shareholders. Shareholder's assets protected from the creditors of the corporation since the liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount contributed by them to the capital of the Corporation.

The only disadvantage of C-Corporations is double taxation as profits are taxed first as income to the corporation, then as income to the shareholder when distributed as dividends. In some cases small corporations having not more than 75 shareholders can obtain S-Corporation status. If a corporation has S-Corporation status, it is treated as a Partnership or a Limited Liability Company for tax purposes. S-corporations are not separately taxable entities, so the income is "passed-through" to the shareholders.

Limited Liability Company

This type of business organization combines the corporate advantages of limited liability with the partnership advantage of pass-through taxation.
In other words, the members of an LLC can be managers of the company not exposing to risks their personal assets.
Limited Liability Companies are taxed on the level of its members like Partnerships.
The main difference between an LLC and an S-Corporation is that all profits, liabilities, losses and deductions of S-corporation are divided between the owners in proportion to the number of shares held by them. An LLC is more flexible as to the division of these items between the owners.


The most simple type of partnership is a Sole Partnership. A Sole Partnership is a business entity connected with the sole owner. In this case the owner runs the business on his own behalf.

A General Partnership is a form of business organized by two or more individuals who do not want to set up a Corporation or other type of company. In this case the members are responsible for any debts and liabilities in proportion to their stake in share capital of the Partnership. In the same way they participate in the distribution of profits.

In the case of a General Partnership, only the income of the members is subject to taxes.

In a Limited Partnership the assets and liabilities are divided between general and limited partners. Thus, limited partners in contrast to general members are liable for the debts and liabilities of the Partnership only to the amount of their stakes in the partnership's capital.

In a Limited Liability Partnership the assets of each partner are more secured. This is due to the fact that the members of a Limited Liability Partnership do not bear responsibility for any debts or liabilities that have been caused by improper or invalid acts of the other members, officers or agents of the Partnership. In all other cases the members of the Partnership are liable for all debts and liabilities of the Partnership as well as for all debts and liabilities that have been caused by acts committed by any officer subordinated directly or managed by the partners.

Famous business man I would like to follow

If the choice of what business man I would like to follow would be based on the business man professional success I would choose Viktor Uspaskich. Because he was able to become very successful business man starting from zero.
He arrived in Lithuanian SSR in 1985 and worked as a welder in the gas industry. He left shortly after for Finland, before returning in 1987, divorcing his Belarussian wife with two children (Julia, Eduard) and marrying Jolanta Blažytė. He formed his own company Efektas in 1990, and took citizenship of the newly formed Republic of Lithuania in 1991.With power he quickly gained tremendous success in his business empire that now includes the importation of natural gas from Gazprom, in addition to flourishing enterprises in the food production and animal fodder industries.
The success story of Viktor Uspaskich inspires me and gives me hope that you can achieve much more than you could imagine in your childhood.